Introduction to the product mindset

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It’s no secret that the Learning & Development function has been under pressure recently. Budgets have been cut, headcount has been reduced, and the mandate to do more with less has become the norm. In this environment, it’s easy to focus on the immediate and the tactical and to lose sight of the bigger picture.

But if there’s one thing that the L&D function can’t afford to lose sight of, it’s our impact on the business. And that means having a product mindset.

Too often, the L&D function is seen as a cost centre rather than a value driver. But if we think of ourselves as product creators and managers, we can change that perception.

A product mindset starts with a focus on the user. What are their needs? What are their pain points? What are their goals? By understanding the user, we can create genuinely impactful solutions rather than just creating more content.

It also means thinking about the entire product lifecycle, from design to delivery to evaluation. What processes do we need to ensure that our products are successful? How can we continue to improve them over time?

And finally, a product mindset means always being aware of the competition. What are other companies doing in this space? How can we ensure that our products are the best they can be?

The L&D function has always been about impact. But in today’s environment, we need to focus more on it. By adopting a product mindset, we can ensure we’re always driving value for the business.

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